<aside> 🔥 Try Nimiq OASIS yourself: **https://wallet.nimiq.com** No installation, no registration, create a wallet in just 30 seconds - all in your browser!


Press Kit Contents

General Information

<aside> 🔗 See original blogpost: https://www.nimiq.com/blog/nimiq-oasis-public-beta/


NIM and BTC can now be bought directly by bank transfer.

Almost four years ago, Nimiq was founded with a clear-cut goal in mind: Make crypto easy and available to everyone. One fundamental aspect was the in-and-out of crypto. Without an easy way to buy and sell the new internet money, there would be no mass adoption. We are now excited to present the result of years of original research, development, and regulatory finesse: Nimiq OASIS is finally here!

Someone entirely new to crypto can create a wallet and buy NIM and BTC directly from their bank account: